Learn key skills that you didn't learn @ Uni
This 43-page resource addresses areas that I would have appreciated knowing when I was in my first 10 years of clinical practice. This resource is ideal for recent graduates and early-stage practitioners. Mind you, it is never too late to improve your clinical and non-clinical skills!
The 7 Key Pillars discussed are;
- Pillar 1. Effective Questioning
- Pillar 2. Confirm Client Expectations
- Pillar 3. Deliver Functional Outcomes
- Pillar 4. Consider Red Flags
- Pillar 5. Clinical Follow-up
- Pillar 6. Understand & Measure Yellow Flags
- Pillar 7. Memorable Home Programs
- Bonus Section
We are told that we live in the "Information Age", but I think that we have well and truly roared through that age. Basically, every test, procedure, or disease - our vast body of knowledge, can be found on the Internet. All the information is out there in a variety of forms. In much the same way, each client is an Internet - they are the body (quite literally) of information all about themselves. I believe we are now in the "Synthesis Age." As clinicians, we need to type in the correct search parameters (a.k.a. ask the correct questions) in a logical sequence. In this way adding or subtracting to our developing clinical hypothesis - I call this process the ‘Solution Funnel’ and discuss this unique concept in Pillar 1.
We need to be ‘manual sleuths’ before we can be ‘manual therapists’.

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